Journey through Lent with Park BP
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
As Park Community Church – Bridgeport we are dedicating the 40 days of Lent to God through 40 days of prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting often go hand-in-hand with one another because they both cry out to have more of God. We are calling everyone to fast and pray together from February 14th to March 31 to ask God to grow us spiritually and in deeper communion with Christ.
During these 40 days, we are asking you to fast. Fasting is a spiritual discipline of abstaining from something so you can create a deeper longing for the living God. For example, when you fast from food, every time you get hungry or think about food it is a prompt for you to go to the Lord and cry out, “I need you more!” There are numerous types of fasts you can practice during these 40 days. What is most important is that it is a true sacrifice.
During your fasting and praying, we want to invite you to read through the gospel of John. The purpose of this writing is so that we would “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” and that by believing we would have life in Him (John 20:30–31)! What a great truth to be reminded of as we practice the discipline of self-denial to experience the abundant life in Christ (John 10:10)! Each reading is accompanied by a daily reflection for greater insight and understanding.
As Park Community Church – Bridgeport we are dedicating the 40 days of Lent to God through 40 days of prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting often go hand-in-hand with one another because they both cry out to have more of God. We are calling everyone to fast and pray together from February 14th to March 31 to ask God to grow us spiritually and in deeper communion with Christ.
During these 40 days, we are asking you to fast. Fasting is a spiritual discipline of abstaining from something so you can create a deeper longing for the living God. For example, when you fast from food, every time you get hungry or think about food it is a prompt for you to go to the Lord and cry out, “I need you more!” There are numerous types of fasts you can practice during these 40 days. What is most important is that it is a true sacrifice.
During your fasting and praying, we want to invite you to read through the gospel of John. The purpose of this writing is so that we would “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” and that by believing we would have life in Him (John 20:30–31)! What a great truth to be reminded of as we practice the discipline of self-denial to experience the abundant life in Christ (John 10:10)! Each reading is accompanied by a daily reflection for greater insight and understanding.